Learn more with our hatha yoga video tutorials!
Contrary to popular belief, Hatha yoga is not an exercise.
In essence, it involves a thorough understanding of the mechanics of your body, creating a certain atmosphere, and driving energy in specific directions using body postures.
The body can be used for spiritual growth or it can become a major hindrance in that growth.
When not functioning well, your body has the power to take away all your life’s other aspirations—all longings go away when your body is hurting.
If you are constantly feeling lethargic, stressed out, and uninspired, it could be because your body is working against you.
Fortunately, with Hatha yoga, you can easily turn that around and experience:
- Gentleness that will ease you out of stress and into total relaxation
- Awakening of your hips, spine, core, and your nervous system (exactly what you need after a long and hard week!)
- Deep-seated postures and strengthening poses (designed to warm the body up and move energy)
- Strengthening of the body and mind from the inside out
- Regaining focus and clearing your mind
- Stretching of those stiff and weary muscles
- Feeling open, revived, and ready to take on any task
- Elevating your consciousness
- Opening the many channels of your body (especially the main channel, the spine) so energy can freely flow
- Developing a balance of flexibility and strength
- Powerful transformation that will help ease the fluctuations of the mind and help you be present in the unfolding of every moment
- Calming of your mind through relaxation and meditation
- Alignment and deep breathing while exploring body awareness, presence, and focus
- Mastering physical, mental, and emotional balance
- Cultivation of profound mental and physical stability—both on the yoga mat and off!
- Relaxation and invigoration of the mind and the body
- Finding inner peace and quiet
What is Hatha Yoga?
Hatha yoga is a popular yoga choice in today’s fitness community. Groups and individuals use this ancient, classic yoga style to get fit and encourage a healthy mind-body connection. Knowing more about Hatha yoga will help fitness beginners see more about how this traditional yoga practice informs newer yoga styles and brings a lot of authentic principles to a yoga routine.
Click on the video to preview what you will receive when you purchase the Hatha Yoga video series.
Work harmoniously with your body, develop a deeper understanding and appreciation of what it can do, and harness its enormous power with our Hatha inspired yoga video series.
From the videos, you will learn how to work in complete sync with your body and live your full potential.
After all, with your body as your trusted and steadfast ally, you will be unstoppable!
Yoga Video Titles
01 Childs Pose
02 Hamstring Stretch Right
03 Hamstring Stretch Left
04 Cat Cow Pose
05 Downward Dog
06 Beginner High Plank
07 High Plank
08 Chaturunga
09 Cobra Upward Facing Dog
10 Beginners Flow
11 Flow 2
12 Low Runners Lunge Left
13 Low Lunge Right Side
14 High Lunge Left
15 high Lunge Right
16 Warrior One Left
17 Warrior Right
18 Warrior Two Left
19 Warrior Two Right
20 Standing Forward Bend
21 Chair Pose Side
22 Chair Pose Front
23 Chair Pose Twist Left
24 Chair Pose Twist Right
25 Triangle Left
26 Triangle Right
27 Reverse Warrior Pose Left
28 Reverse Warrior Pose Right
29 Half Moon Left
30 Half Moon Right
31 Extended Side Angle Left 1
32 Extended Side Angle Right
33 Revolved Side Angle Pose Left
34 Revolved Side Angle Right
35 Warrior Three Left
36 Warrior Three Right
37 Humble Warrior Left Side
38 Humble Warrior Right Side
39 Prayer Twist Left Side
40 Prayer Twist Right Side
41 Wide Legged Forward Bend
42 Side Plank Left Side
43 Side Plank Right Side
44 Three Legged Dog Left
45 Three Legged Dog Right Side
46 Tree Pose Left Side
47 Tree Pose Right Side
48 Eagle Pose Left Side
49 Eagle Pose Right Side
50 Dancers Pose Front View
51 Dancers Pose Right Side
52 Camel Pose
53 Fire Log Left Side
54 Fire Log Right Side
55 Seated Twist Left Side
56 Seated Twist Right Side
57 Pigeon Pose Left Side
58 Pigeon Right Side
59 Seated Forward Bend
60 Cobblers Pose
61 Revolved Head To Knee Stretch Left
62 Revolved Head To Knee Right Side
63 Thread The Needle Left
64 Thread The Needle Right Side
65 Bridge Pose
66 Happy Baby
67 Laying Twist Left
68 Laying Twist Right Side
69 Shavasana Pose
70 Namaste
Origins of Hatha Yoga
According to some practitioners, Hatha yoga dates back to the 15th century. Scholars refer to a treatise or publication known as the Hatha Yoga Pradipika, where some elements of Hatha yoga are indicated. Hatha yoga was a specific type of yoga activity that, in earlier times, prepared participants for meditating for a very long time.
What Hatha Yoga Means
Hatha yoga is sometimes called a “dual” type of yoga because it includes a duality between two opposites: the sun (in Hinda, “ha”) and the moon (“tha”). Some who practice Hatha yoga call it a “yoking” yoga as it joins these two opposites together. This main established principle for Hatha yoga leads to specific structured poses and other activities that help with body and mind “purification” through principles like asana (postures), pranayama (subtle energy control) and more.
Structure of Hatha Yoga
In addition to the above mentioned opposites, sometimes also referred to as hot and cold, male and female, etc., Hatha yoga includes the concept of multiple “limbs” or areas of the yoga practice. Where some common yoga forms such as Ashtanga yoga are built on eight limbs, Hatha yoga, according to experts, is often based on six, each of which represent a critical component of the whole, whether it has to do with readying the mind for meditation, controlling breathing or focusing on another particular task.
Hatha Yoga and Other Derivative Forms
As a traditionally established type of yoga, Hatha yoga sometimes lends its historical weight to other more modern styles. For example, the yoga form known as Anusara yoga, established in the late 20th century by a man named John Friend, uses Hatha yoga as the basis for many of its activities and ideas. It’s likely that beginning yoga participants will find elements of Hatha yoga in their group or individual sessions, or in translated handbooks disseminated to a Western audience.
Benefits of Hatha Yoga
Those who take the time to study this ancient yoga art understand that there are some specific benefits of becoming adept at practicing Hatha yoga style. One of the main ones stems from one of the pillars of the Hatha style: breathing. Controlling breath can help improve oxygenation of the body and alleviate stress in some forms. Other elements of Hatha yoga also help with relaxing the body and fighting the stresses of the modern world. As a historical preparation for intensive meditation, Hatha yoga has a lot to offer a modern Western audience.
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